About Us
Welcome to Patronecs! We are a Real Estate services company dedicated to helping investors, agents, and wholesalers streamline their business processes and scale their operations.

We explore not what is, but what can be and strive to make it a reality for you. Setting you above and apart from your competitors in the toughest of markets is what we aim to do every time.

But what sets us apart from the rest is not just our developers skills and expertise but how we try to make it as if you had a team of software developers right in front of you. So let your ideas be our responsibilities.
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Services that we provide
We offer a range of services to help Real Estate professionals succeed in today's competitive market.
Podio based CRM
Streamline your real estate business with our Podio-based CRM.
Real Estate Websites
Create a professional real estate website with Patronecs for your Real Estate business.
Instantly connect with more than 100 tools & technologies in the field.
Data Management Services
Simplify your data management with our efficient solutions.
Lead Generation Services
Get more leads and close more deals with our proven strategies.
Custom Low-Code Real Estate Applications
Tailor-made applications to optimize your real estate operations.
Additional Podio Services
Enhance your Podio experience with our customized services.
Workflow Automation
Our team is skilled in leveraging technology to automate repetitive tasks and save time for our clients.
Virtual Assistance and Administrative Support
Our team provides top-notch virtual assistance and administrative support to help our clients focus on what they do best.
Our Story
Patronecs was founded with a simple mission: to provide exceptional Real Estate services to clients across the USA. Over the past 5 years, we have worked with more than 400 teams, helping them achieve their goals and grow their businesses. Our team is made up of some of the best Real Estate professionals in the industry, who are passionate about delivering results and making a positive impact on our clients' lives.
Ahsan Shah
CEO at Patronecs
What our clients are saying about us
Contact Us
Contact us today to learn about our Podio-based real estate CRM services and how can we help you streamline your real estate business.
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